The DSMMQG arranged a pillow swap challenge. We exchanged out completed pillows at the April meeting. Here is the pillow that I made for Veronica.
She is in my small group and has been involved in several bees where she asked for aqua, red, and gray. So I knew she loved this color combination.
This was the first time I ever made a pillow. It was very fun and I can see why some people make loads of them! Now I just need to try a zipper. Emma was great at retreat and walked me through installing one in a little bag she was making.
I received this cute little pillow from Etta. I just love the colors!
I also went to a retreat this month with my small group, except for Dawn who was at guard. We had a great time sewing and socializing. It is always so great to hang out with a bunch of people who have the same love for quilts as you!
Back row L-R Teresa, Veronica, Me Front row L-R Emma and Lisa |
My small group is doing the Farmer's Wife quilt along this year. So, I worked on some more blocks. All I got made was five. The green and yellow one took me at least 3 hours! All the little pieces and sewing backwards and flipping the pices the wrong way under the paper. Thankfully I had good company to talk me through it.
These are the Farmer's Wife blocks that I made last month.
Sorry about the light in these block pictures. I had to take them fast because they kept blowing away. I am trying to do one a week. I'm not sure how many I will do yet. I'll have to figure out what size quilt I want to end up with. I think 50 is a good lap size. I'll see how long the project keeps my interest. I am loving choosing the fabric and color combinations for each block. The fabrics are mainly Art Gallery and Mark Lipinski with some Kate Spain and others thrown in.
I am linking up to
